Friday, April 5, 2013


Welcome to Zoekara Kennels Rottweiler blog.

Located in Durban, a passion for rottweilers led to the establishment of Zoekara Kennels. Specialist rottweiler breeding, dogs are bred according to the breeding standard and are highly pedigreed.
If you're looking for a rottweiler we highly recommend that you purchase your dog from a reputable breeder and understand the lines your dog comes from.

Zoekara Kennels is dedicated on sharing up to date advice and information on Rottweilers and understanding this beautiful and loving dog which most people get wrong or rather have a fear induced thought conjured up in their heads as soon as you mention the word rottweiler.

We are a proud member of KUSA, Natal Rottweiler Association and the South African Canine Breed Registry.

If you're interested on getting a rottweiler and would like more information then you've come to the right place.

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